Beratung zu IT-Sicherheit & Datenschutz

Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung beziehungsweise das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz betreffen uns alle - jeder, der Daten von Dritten erfasst, speichert oder verarbeitet muss den europäischen Standard einhalten. Die umfangreichen Gesetzestexte regeln Rechte und Pflichten aber auch technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen zum Datenschutz, Aufbewahrungspflichten, Sicherheitsstandards und Vorgaben zur Dokumentation von Verfahren und Vorfällen sowie die Vorgaben zur Berufung eines Datenschutzbeauftragten mit einer besonderen Aufsichts- und Beratungspflicht.

Die DSGVO und das BDSG sollte dabei nicht nur schriftlich in langen Rechtstexten, Datenschutzhinweisen und Verfahrensdokumentationen umgesetzt werden sondern es sollten konkrete technische Standards etabliert und eingehalten werden um dem Verlust von Daten vorzubeugen, der unberechtigten Nutzung von Daten einhalt zu gebieten und Angreifer und Hacker zuverlässig abzuwehren.

Da umfangreiches Know-How sowohl im Bezug auf die Rechtsgrundlagen als auch auf die technischen Risiken und Möglichkeiten erforderlich sind um ein angemessenes Datenschutzkonzept zu etablieren haben viele Unternehmen große Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung. Unsere IT- und Datenschutzberatung setzt hier an - mit unserer Expertise können wir Sie dabei unterstützen Datenschutz technisch und rechtlich angemessen umzusetzen.
Wir untersützen Sie gernet! »

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Datenschutzberatung durch geprüften DSB
Umsetzung von IT-Richtlinien / Gesetzen
Analyse & Beratung zur IT-Sicherheit
Erstellung von Dokumentationen

Was steckt dahinter?

Das "Who is Who" - DSGVO, GDPR, BDSG, TMG, ...
Innerhalb der EU gilt seit 2018 die sogenannte General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), die in Deutschland unter der Bezeichnung "Datenschutz-Grundverordnung" (DSGVO) in nationales Recht umgesetzt wurde. Das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) präzisiert die Regelungen der DSGVO und fügt weitere nationale Regelungen hinzu. Für Betreiber von Internetangeboten ist zudem das Telemediengesetzes (TMG) relevant. Dies bezieht sich allerdings weniger auf den Datenschutz als auf grundlegende Regelungen im IT-Recht.

Was ist Datenschutzberatung?
Unser TÜV geprüfter Datenschutzbeauftragter mit juristischer Qalifikation berät Sie gerne zu Fragen rund um die Umsetzung von Datenschutzrecht in Ihren konkreten Projekten. Darüber hinausgehende zivilrechtliche Fragestellungen hingegen fallen nicht in den Bereich der Datenschutzberatung.

Die rechtliche Seite: DSGVO

Die DSGVO beziehungsweise das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz stellen verschiedene Forderungen an Unternehmen und Organisationen die zwingend einzuhalten sind um rechtskonform Daten zu verarbeiten. Als Verarbeiter von Daten zählen Sie schon dann, wenn Sie die Daten von Mitarbeitenden oder Kunden erfassen oder speichern.

Damit gilt die DSGVO sowohl für Kleinstunternehmen und Vereine wie auch für große Unternehmen und global Player.

Während die gesetzlichen Regelungen in vielen Bereichen sehr präzise Vorgaben machen welche Dokumente und Verfahren es geben muss und welche Rechte, Pflichten und Fristen gelten, gibt es in vielen Bereichen auch große Unsicherheiten. Häufiger werden Maßnahmen gefordert die sich am Stand der Technik orientieren oder technische Notwendigkeit und Machbarkeit zur Maßgabe machen.

Im Rahmen einer rechtlichen Datenschutzberatung geht es darum Sie über Ihre Rechte und Pflichten als Datenverarbeiter zu informieren und gemeinsam zu prüfen und sicherzustellen, dass die geforderten Unterlagen und Prozesse korrekt umgesetzt werden. Wir zeigen Ihnen gernen auch Tools und Best Practices zur Umsetzung der Rechte Betroffener und Ihrer Pflichten als Verarbeiter.

Wir unterstützen Sie dabei den Überblick zu bewahren!

Die technische Seite: IT-Sicherheit

Während die rechtliche Seite sich viel mit Fragen nach Rechten und Pflichten, der Haftung und der Verantwortung beschäftigt, ist die technische Seite des Datenschutzes sehr viel präziser:

Wie verhindern Sie, dass Ihre Daten in falsche Hände kommen?

Sie sammeln und verarbeiten vermutlich jeden Tag Daten von Dritten und speichern diese in internen Tools, verarbeiten sie auf Ihren oder fremden Servern, übertragen Sie zu Dienstleistern oder bauen sogar einen wesentlichen Teil Ihrer Tätigkeit auf der Verarbeitung auf.

Ein potentieller Angreifer oder Hacker versucht stets den schwächsten Punkt zu identifizieren, um Zugriff zu Ihren Daten zu erlangen. Häufig nutzen Hacker dazu bekannte Sicherheitslücken nicht aktualisierter Systeme aus, suchen nach vergessenen oder auch versehentlich offen stehenden Türen oder greifen sensible Zugangsdaten ab, wodurch sie auch ohne große Anstrengungen unberechtigten Zugang erlangen und viel Schaden anrichten können. Dabei müssen Sie nichtmal das primäre Ziel des Angriffs sein, sondern könnten vermeintlich auch Opfer eines größer angelegten Angriffs auf mehrere Unternehmen werden.

Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, ein Sicherheitskonzept in Ihrer IT zu etablieren und die Angriffflächen zu reduzieren.

IT-Sicherheit - bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden

Täglich werden neue Schwachstellen, Angriffs-Vektoren, Cyber-Attaken und Fehler in Software, Netzwerken und Infrastrukturen bekannt - teilweise betreffen diese nur bestimmte Softwarelösungen oder spezifische Szenarien, manchmal betreffen Sie jedoch auch ganze Industriezweige, weit verbreitete Arbeitsweisen und grundlegende Technologien wie bei Heartbleed (SSL) oder Log4Shell (Protokollierung). Ergreifen Sie Maßnahmen, um Ihre Infrastruktur und Daten sicher zu halten.

Gemeinsam erfassen wir, welche Komponten und Abhängigkeiten Sie einsetzen und überwachen die CVE und viele weitere Quellen um im Falle von Mängeln oder Angriffspunkten schnell handeln zu können.

Wir simulieren Angriffe und Testen Ihre Anwendungen, Webseiten, die Infrastruktur und Prozesse auf mögliche Sicherheitslücken, Mängel und Angriffsvektoren um Risiken fürhzeitig zu erknennen und Lücken zu schließen.

Wir implementieren aktiv Monitore und überwachen somit Anfragen um frühzeitig Angriffe und verdächtige Aktivitäten zu identifizieren. Verdächte Aktivitäten können zur Alarmierung oder zu automatischen Sperrungen und Ausschlüssen führen, um einen hohen Standard zu gewährleisten.

Den Bedrohungen der IT-Welt sind Sie nicht schutzlos ausgeliefert - es ist jedoch wichtig dem Thema IT-Sicherheit Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken, um einen verantwortungsbewussten und rechtskonformen Umgang mit Unternehmens- und Kundendaten zu gewährleisten.
Risiko / Label Veröffentlichung
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2023-46304 vor 5 Stunde(n)
modules/Users/models/Module.php in Vtiger CRM 7.5.0 allows a remote authenticated attacker to run arbitrary PHP code because an unprotected endpoint allows them to write this code to the file (executed on every page load).
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-2377 vor 5 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability exists in the too permissive HTTP response header web server settings of the SDM600. An attacker can take advantage of this and possibly carry out privileged actions and access sensitive information.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-2378 vor 5 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability exists in the web-authentication component of the SDM600. If exploited an attacker could escalate privileges on af-fected installations.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-2617 vor 5 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability exists in the RTU500 that allows for authenticated and authorized users to bypass secure update. If a malicious actor successfully exploits this vulnerability, they could use it to update the RTU500 with unsigned firmware.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2023-40548 vor 5 Stunde(n)
A buffer overflow was found in Shim in the 32-bit system. The overflow happens due to an addition operation involving a user-controlled value parsed from the PE binary being used by Shim. This value is further used for memory allocation operations, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow. This flaw causes memory corruption and can lead to a crash or data integrity issues during the boot phase.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-4336 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Adive Framework 2.0.8, does not sufficiently encode user-controlled inputs, resulting in a persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability via the /adive/admin/tables/add, in multiple parameters. An attacker could retrieve the session details of an authenticated user.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-4337 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Adive Framework 2.0.8, does not sufficiently encode user-controlled inputs, resulting in a persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability via the /adive/admin/nav/add, in multiple parameters. This vulnerability allows an attacker to retrieve the session details of an authenticated user.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-22405 vor 5 Stunde(n)
XADMaster is an objective-C library for archive and file unarchiving and extraction. When extracting a specially crafted zip archive XADMaster may not apply quarantine attribute correctly. Such behaviour may circumvent Gatekeeper checks on the system. Only macOS installations are affected. This issue was fixed in XADMaster 1.10.8. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version. There are no known workarounds for this issue.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-31837 vor 5 Stunde(n)
DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) 1.3a has a format-string vulnerability, with a threat model similar to CVE-2017-7938.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-4225 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Multiple security vulnerabilities has been discovered in web interface of NetGuardian DIN Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU), by DPS Telecom. Attackers can exploit those security vulnerabilities to perform critical actions such as escalate user's privilege, steal user's credential, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-1895 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The Event Monster – Event Management, Tickets Booking, Upcoming Event plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to PHP Object Injection in all versions up to, and including, 1.3.4 via deserialization via shortcode of untrusted input from a custom meta value. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor access and above, to inject a PHP Object. No POP chain is present in the vulnerable plugin. If a POP chain is present via an additional plugin or theme installed on the target system, it could allow the attacker to delete arbitrary files, retrieve sensitive data, or execute code.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-2663 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The ZD YouTube FLV Player plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery in all versions up to, and including, 1.2.6 via the $_GET['image'] parameter. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to make web requests to arbitrary locations originating from the web application and can be used to query and modify information from internal services.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-3072 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The ACF Front End Editor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the update_texts() function in all versions up to, and including, 2.0.2. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with subscriber-level access and above, to update arbitrary post title, content, and ACF data.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-4185 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The Customer Email Verification for WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Email Verification and Authentication Bypass in all versions up to, and including, 2.7.4 via the use of insufficiently random activation code. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to bypass the email verification, and if both the "Login the user automatically after the account is verified" and "Verify account for current users" options are checked, then it potentially makes it possible for attackers to bypass authentication for other users.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-34050 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Open Networking Foundation SD-RAN Rimedo rimedo-ts 0.1.1 has a slice bounds out-of-range panic in "return uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[0])" in reader.go.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-0216 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The Google Doc Embedder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Server Side Request Forgery via the 'gview' shortcode in versions up to, and including, 2.6.4. This can allow authenticated attackers with contributor-level permissions or above to make web requests to arbitrary locations originating from the web application and can be used to query and modify information from internal services.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-4226 vor 5 Stunde(n)
It was identified that in certain versions of Octopus Server, that a user created with no permissions could view all users, user roles and permissions. This functionality was removed in versions of Octopus Server after the fixed versions listed.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-1371 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The LeadConnector plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification & loss of data due to a missing capability check on the lc_public_api_proxy() function in all versions up to, and including, 1.7. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to delete arbitrary posts.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-34045 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The O-RAN E2T I-Release Prometheus metric Increment function can crash in sctpThread.cpp for message.peerInfo->counters[IN_INITI][MSG_COUNTER][ProcedureCode_id_E2setup]->Increment().
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2023-52724 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Open Networking Foundation SD-RAN onos-kpimon 0.4.7 allows out-of-bounds array access in the processIndicationFormat1 function.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2023-52726 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Open Networking Foundation SD-RAN ONOS onos-ric-sdk-go 0.8.12 allows infinite repetition of the processing of an error (in the Subscribe function implementation for the subscribed indication stream).
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2023-52725 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Open Networking Foundation SD-RAN ONOS onos-kpimon 0.4.7 allows blocking of the errCh channel within the Start function of the monitoring package.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2023-52727 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Open Networking Foundation SD-RAN ONOS onos-lib-go 0.10.25 allows an index out-of-range condition in parseAlignBits.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2023-52728 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Open Networking Foundation SD-RAN ONOS onos-lib-go 0.10.25 allows an index out-of-range condition in putBitString.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-34043 vor 5 Stunde(n)
O-RAN RICAPP kpimon-go I-Release has a segmentation violation via a certain E2AP-PDU message.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-34044 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The O-RAN E2T I-Release buildPrometheusList function can have a NULL pointer dereference because peerInfo can be NULL.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-34046 vor 5 Stunde(n)
The O-RAN E2T I-Release Prometheus metric Increment function can crash in sctpThread.cpp for message.peerInfo->sctpParams->e2tCounters[IN_SUCC][MSG_COUNTER][ProcedureCode_id_RICsubscription]->Increment().
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-34047 vor 5 Stunde(n)
O-RAN RIC I-Release e2mgr lacks array size checks in RicServiceUpdateHandler.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-34048 vor 5 Stunde(n)
O-RAN RIC I-Release e2mgr lacks array size checks in E2nodeConfigUpdateNotificationHandler.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-34049 vor 5 Stunde(n)
Open Networking Foundation SD-RAN Rimedo rimedo-ts 0.1.1 has a slice bounds out-of-range panic in "return plmnIdString[0:3], plmnIdString[3:]" in reader.go.

Das "CVE"-Repository (eng. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) stellt eine Liste bekannter Schwachstellen und Sicherheitslücken in IT-Systemen unter Führung des "US-amerikanischen National Cybersecurity" zusammen und bewertet diese anhand Ihres Risikos auf einer Skala von eins bis zehn.

Gerade im Bereich von Web-Technologien und Cloud-Software werden regelmäßig Hacks und Sicherheitslücken bekannt. Die betroffenen Unternehmen erleiden in der Regel nicht nur einen Image-Schaden sondern stehen womöglich gegenüber Ihren Kunden auch in der rechtlichen Verantwortung. Das Projekt "Have I Been Pwned" sammelt seit Jahren Daten die aus Hacks oder Datenlecks öffentlich zugänglich werden und bietet einen Service um zu prüfen, ob man selbst von diesen Hacks betroffen wurde.

24.04.2024 - Piping Rock 2.103.100 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In April 2024, 2.1M email addresses from the online health products store Piping Rock were publicly posted to a popular hacking forum. The data also included names, phone numbers and physical addresses. The account posting the data had previously posted multiple other data breaches which all appear to have been obtained from the Shopify service used by the respective websites.
17.04.2024 - T2 94.584 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases, Salutations

In April 2024, 95k records from the T2 tea store were posted to a popular hacking forum. Data included email and physical addresses, names, phone numbers, dates of birth, purchases and passwords stored as scrypt hashes.
13.04.2024 - Le Slip Français 1.495.127 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In April 2024, the French underwear maker Le Slip Français suffered a data breach. The breach included 1.5M email addresses, physical addresses, names and phone numbers.
02.04.2024 - Salvadoran Citizens 946.989 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Government issued IDs, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Profile photos

In April 2024, nearly 6 million records of Salvadoran citizens were published to a popular hacking forum. The data included names, dates of birth, phone numbers, physical addresses and nearly 1M unique email addresses. Further, over 5M corresponding profile photos were also included in the breach.
31.03.2024 - Pandabuy 1.348.407 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In March 2024, 1.3M unique email addresses from the online store for purchasing goods from China, Pandabuy, were posted to a popular hacking forum. The data also included IP and physical addresses, names, phone numbers and order enquiries. The breach was alleged to be attributed to "Sanggiero" and "IntelBroker".
25.03.2024 - boAt 7.528.985 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In March 2024, the Indian audio and wearables brand boAt suffered a data breach that exposed 7.5M customer records. The data included physical and email address, names and phone numbers, all of which were subsequently published to a popular clear web hacking forum.
24.03.2024 - Kaspersky Club 55.971 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames

In March 2024, the independent fan forum Kaspersky Club suffered a data breach. The incident exposed 56k unique email addresses alongside usernames, IP addresses and passwords stored as either MD5 or bcrypt hashes.
23.03.2024 - England Cricket 43.299 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords

In March 2024, English Cricket's icoachcricket website suffered a data breach that exposed over 40k records. The data included email addresses and passwords stored as either bcrypt hashes, salted MD5 hashes or both. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "IntelBroker".
04.03.2024 - Giant Tiger 2.842.669 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In March 2024, Canadian discount store Giant Tiger suffered a data breach that exposed 2.8M customer records. Attributed to a vendor of the retailer, the breach included physical and email addresses, names and phone numbers.
03.03.2024 - WoTLabs 21.994 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Time zones, Usernames

In March 2024, WoTLabs (World of Tanks Statistics and Resources) suffered a data breach and website defacement attributed to "chromebook breachers". The breach exposed 22k forum members' personal data including email and IP addresses, usernames, dates of birth and time zones.
01.03.2024 - Mr. Green Gaming 27.123 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Usernames

In March 2024, the online games community Mr. Green Gaming suffered a data breach that exposed 27k user records. Acknowledged on their Discord server, the incident exposed email and IP addresses, usernames, geographic locations and dates of birth.
26.02.2024 - Cutout.Pro 19.972.829 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords

In February 2024, the AI-powered visual design platform Cutout.Pro suffered a data breach that exposed 20M records. The data included email and IP addresses, names and salted MD5 password hashes which were subsequently broadly distributed on a popular hacking forum and Telegram channels.
18.02.2024 - Tangerine 243.462 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Salutations

In February 2024, the Australian Telco Tangerine suffered a data breach that exposed over 200k customer records. Attributed to a legacy customer database, the data included physical and email addresses, names, phone numbers and dates of birth. Whilst the Tangerine login process involves sending a one-time password after entering an email address and phone number, it previously used a traditional password which was also exposed as a bcrypt hash.
01.02.2024 - SurveyLama 4.426.879 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In February 2024, the paid survey website SurveyLama suffered a data breach that exposed 4.4M customer email addresses. The incident also exposed names, physical and IP addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth and passwords stored as either salted SHA-1, bcrypt or argon2 hashes. When contacted about the incident, SurveyLama advised that they had already "notified the users by email".
31.01.2024 - Spoutible 207.114 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Genders, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Usernames

In January 2024, Spoutible had 207k records scraped from a misconfigured API that inadvertently returned excessive personal information. The data included names, usernames, email and IP addresses, phone numbers (where provided to the platform), genders and bcrypt password hashes. The incident also exposed 2FA secrets and backup codes along with password reset tokens.
16.01.2024 - Trello 15.111.945 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Usernames

In January 2024, data was scraped from Trello and posted for sale on a popular hacking forum. Containing over 15M email addresses, names and usernames, the data was obtained by enumerating a publicly accessible resource using email addresses from previous breach corpuses. Trello advised that no unauthorised access had occurred.
17.12.2023 - Hathway 4.670.080 Datensätze geleaked
Device information, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Salutations, Support tickets

In December 2023, hundreds of gigabytes of data allegedly taken from Indian ISP and digital TV provider Hathway appeared on a popular hacking website. The incident exposed extensive personal information including 4.7M unique email addresses along with names, physical and IP addresses, phone numbers, password hashes and support ticket logs.
12.12.2023 - InflateVids 13.405 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Genders, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames

In December 2023, the inflatable and balloon fetish videos website InflateVids suffered a data breach. The incident exposed over 13k unique email addresses alongside usernames, IP addresses, genders and SHA-1 password hashes.
14.11.2023 - KitchenPal 98.726 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, Names, Passwords, Physical attributes, Social media profiles

In November 2023, the kitchen management application KitchenPal suffered a data breach that exposed 146k lines of data. When contacted about the incident, KitchenPal advised the corpus of data came from a staging environment, although acknowledged it contained a small number of users for debugging purposes and included passwords that could not be used. Impacted data included almost 100k email addresses, names, geolocations and incomplete data on dates of birth, genders, height and weight, social media profile identifiers and bcrypt password hashes.
08.11.2023 - Chess 827.620 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Geographic locations, Names, Usernames

In November 2023, over 800k user records were scraped from the Chess website and posted to a popular hacking forum. The data included email address, name, username and the geographic location of the user.
04.11.2023 - LinkedIn Scraped and Faked Data (2023) 19.788.753 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, Job titles, Names, Professional skills, Social media profiles

In November 2023, a post to a popular hacking forum alleged that millions of LinkedIn records had been scraped and leaked. On investigation, the data turned out to be a combination of legitimate data scraped from LinkedIn and email addresses constructed from impacted individuals' names.
18.10.2023 - Toumei 76.682 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In October 2023, the Japanese consultancy firm Toumei suffered a data breach. The breach exposed over 100M lines and 10GB of data including 77k unique email addresses along with names, phone numbers and physical addresses.
01.10.2023 - Facebook Marketplace 77.267 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Geographic locations, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Social media profiles

In February 2024, 200k Facebook Marketplace records allegedly obtained from a Meta contractor in October 2023 were posted to a popular hacking forum. The data contained 77k unique email addresses alongside names, phone numbers, Facebook profile IDs and geographic locations. The data also contained bcrypt password hashes, although there is no indication these belong to the corresponding Facebook accounts.
20.09.2023 - Naz.API 70.840.771 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords

In September 2023, over 100GB of stealer logs and credential stuffing lists titled "Naz.API" was posted to a popular hacking forum. The incident contained a combination of email address and plain text password pairs alongside the service they were entered into, and standalone credential pairs obtained from unnamed sources. In total, the corpus of data included 71M unique email addresses and 100M unique passwords.
09.09.2023 - Sphero 832.255 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Geographic locations, Names, Usernames

In September 2023, over 1M rows of data from the educational robots company Sphero was posted to a popular hacking forum. The data contained 832k unique email addresses alongside names, usernames, dates of birth and geographic locations.
29.08.2023 - Qakbot 6.431.319 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords

In August 2023, the US Justice Department announced a multinational operation involving actions in the United States, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom to disrupt the botnet and malware known as Qakbot and take down its infrastructure. After the takedown, 6.43M email addresses were provided to HIBP to help notify victims of the malware.
09.08.2023 - PlayCyberGames 3.681.753 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames

In August 2023, PlayCyberGames which "allows users to play any games with LAN function or games using IP address" suffered a data breach which exposed 3.7M customer records. The data included email addresses, usernames and MD5 password hashes with a constant value in the "salt" field. PlayCyberGames did not respond to multiple attempts to disclose the breach.
02.08.2023 - MagicDuel 138.443 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, IP addresses, Nicknames, Passwords

In August 2023, the MagicDuel Adventure website suffered a data breach that exposed 138k user records. The data included player names, email and IP addresses and bcrypt password hashes.
16.07.2023 - Manipulated Caiman 39.901.389 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses

In July 2023, Perception Point reported on a phishing operation dubbed "Manipulated Caiman". Targeting primarily the citizens of Mexico, the campaign attempted to gain access to victims' bank accounts via spear phishing attacks using malicious attachments. Researchers obtained almost 40M email addresses targeted in the campaign and provided the data to HIBP to alert potential victims.
09.07.2023 - Rightbiz 65.376 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In June 2023, data belonging to the "UK's No.1 Business Marketplace" Rightbiz appeared on a popular hacking forum. Comprising of more than 18M rows of data, the breach included 65k unique email addresses along with names, phone numbers and physical address. Rightbiz didn't respond to mulitple attempts to disclose the incident. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "".
20.06.2023 - Dymocks 836.120 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In September 2023, the Australian book retailer Dymocks announced a data breach. The data dated back to June 2023 and contained 1.2M records with 836k unique email addresses. The breach also exposed names, dates of birth, genders, phone numbers and physical addresses.
17.06.2023 - BreachForums Clone 4.204 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames

In June 2023, a clone of the previously shuttered popular hacking forum "BreachForums" suffered a data breach that exposed over 4k records. The breach was due to an exposed backup of the MyBB database which included email and IP addresses, usernames and Argon2 password hashes.
31.05.2023 - JD Group 521.878 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Government issued IDs, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In May 2023, the South African retailer JD Group announced a data breach affecting a number of their online assets including Bradlows, Everyshop, HiFi Corp, Incredible (Connection), Rochester, Russells, and Sleepmasters. The breach exposed over 520k unique customer records including names, email and physical addresses, phone numbers and South African ID numbers.
29.05.2023 - Polish Credentials 1.204.870 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords

In May 2023, a credential stuffing list of 6.3M Polish email address and password pairs appeared on a local forum. Likely obtained by malware running on victims' machines, each record included an email address and plain text password alongside the website the credentials were used on. The data included 1.2M unique email addresses.
15.04.2023 - Jobzone 29.708 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Family members' names, Genders, Government issued IDs, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In April 2023, data from the Israeli jobs website Jobzone was posted online. The data included 30k records of email addresses, names, social security numbers, genders, dates of birth, fathers' names and physical addresses.
15.04.2023 - RentoMojo 2.185.697 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Government issued IDs, Names, Passport numbers, Passwords, Phone numbers, Purchases, Social media profiles

In April 2023, the Indian rental service RentoMojo suffered a data breach. The breach exposed over 2M unique email addresses along with names, phone, passport and Aadhaar numbers, genders, dates of birth, purchases and bcrypt password hashes.
05.04.2023 - Genesis Market 8.000.000 Datensätze geleaked
Browser user agent details, Credit card CVV, Credit cards, Dates of birth, Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Usernames

In April 2023, the stolen identity marketplace Genesis Market was shut down by the FBI and a coalition of law enforcement agencies across the globe in "Operation Cookie Monster". The service traded in "browser fingerprints" which enabled criminals to impersonate victims and access their online services. As many of the impacted accounts did not include email addresses, "8M" is merely an approximation intended to indicate scale. Other personal data compromised by the service included names, addresses and credit card information, although not all individuals had each of these fields exposed.
31.03.2023 - Tigo 700.394 Datensätze geleaked
Device information, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Names, Private messages, Profile photos, Usernames

In Mid-2023, 300GB of data containing over 100M records from the Chinese video chat platform "Tigo" dating back to March that year was discovered. The data contained over 700k unique names, usernames, email and IP addresses, genders, profile photos and private messages. Tigo did not respond to multiple attempts to disclose the incident.
15.03.2023 - MediaWorks 162.710 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In March 2024, millions of rows of data from the New Zealand media company MediaWorks was publicly posted to a popular hacking forum. The incident exposed 163k unique email addresses provided by visitors who filled out online competitions and included names, physical addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, genders and the responses to questions in the competition. Some victims of the breach subsequently received ransom demands requesting payment to have their data deleted.
06.03.2023 - DC Health Link 48.145 Datensätze geleaked
Citizenship statuses, Dates of birth, Email addresses, Employers, Ethnicities, Genders, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases, Social security numbers

In March 2023, DC Health Link discovered a data breach that was later publicly posted to a popular data breach forum. The impacted data included 48k unique email addresses alongside names, genders, dates of birth, home addresses, phone numbers and social security numbers. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "Aegis" and "IntelBroker".
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